Wednesday, October 8, 2014

a welcome back and a trip to Wilmington!

Well, it's been a while but I figured I would start this back up following a family vacation. We recently ventured up to Wilmington, Vermont for a foliage excursion and a bit of relaxation. I think it's safe to say that it was the most beautiful trip we have been on in a while. We stayed in a house that was secluded from society and offered plenty of spectacular views.
We went on a few day "hikes." I say hikes in quotations because they were merely just strolls through the woods, but they were definitely worth it. Courtney is very pregnant at this point (due December 5!) so we weren't about to climb Mt. Washington or anything like that. We also went up Mt. Snow on a chair lift foliage ride. It was a blast but going down was very scary! We all had to hold each other a little tighter but well worth the experience and the views. Teagan loved it, and seemed to be much more relaxed than mom and dad.
Well, that's it for now! I will try to keep up with this as we add our new addition to the family! :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Papa, PeePee!!!!

It's the day after the Superbowl. Normally, that's all I would be able to think about on a day like this. The end of a season, the beginning of an off-season. However, this year is completely different. Last night, during the big game, Teagan was running around the Hodge household like he typically does. For whatever reason, he acts as if he's ingested a few pixie stix at their house. Everything was going as envisioned until he ran up to Papa and said those magical words, "Papa, PeePee!!" It took me a minute to realize what he was saying, but I pieced his babbling together when he ran to the toilet and lifted the toilet seat. I paged Mama and she asked him if he wanted to go peepee on the potty. "Yes!" he assertively proclaimed, so Mama quickly complied to his demands. She sat him on the toilet and within seconds he began to go pee!! February 2nd, 2014 marks a milestone...the very first time Teagan ASKED to go peepee and actually finished the deed! Ta-da!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Long term memory...check!

Lately, Teagan has been very quiet when it comes to waking up in the morning. He typically yells for Mama or Daddy when he wakes up, but he battled croup last week and is still getting his full voice back. This morning, however, was a different story. When I walked into Teagan's room, I was greeted with shouts for Mama. When I informed him Mama went bye byes, he asked for Papa. Again, I had to break the news to Teagan. He didn't seem to mind, however, instead contemplated who he should ask for next. His response? D! D! D! D! For those of you who don't know, he calls his Aunt Danielle "D." Admittedly, D is easier to pronounce. He hasn't seen D since Christmas time so I was a little caught off guard. When I told him D went bye byes as well, he acted as if he were an airplane and made the sounds of what he perceives an airplane would make. This is a clear demonstration of a solid long-term memory because the day D left for Washington, we told him she was taking an airplane. I also took this as a sign that D needs to come home soon. :)