Thursday, December 19, 2013


There's literally nothing in this world better than hearing shouts of glee and laughter coming from your child.  While I was tending to the fire, I overheard Teagan yelling my name followed by a giggle.  I yelled back to him, "I'm coming buddy!," as I quickly finished with the wood stove.  As I rounded the corner into the kitchen, I witnessed one of Teagan's cutest activities yet.  He was simply standing on the step leading into our den and yelling my name.  Our den is very large and open so sound tends to echo in there.  Whenever he yelled my name, it echoed back to him.  He found this hilarious and continued to yell until I joined in.  As I shouted, "echo," Teag became more and more excited.  He eventually grabbed onto me and could not stop laughing.  It was almost like he was so thrilled that I understood what he was doing and joined in with him.  This was so much fun that it may become a nightly routine. :)